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Products & Services

AMPOS Orthopaedics is committed to providing top quality care and orthopaedic products, including orthoses (braces) and prostheses (artificial limbs). These services are offered through our two Ottawa locations and three satellite locations in Perth, Beachburg, and Pembroke.

The Process of Acquiring a Device

  1. Referral by health care professional (ie. doctor or surgeon) to a physiatrist;

  2. Qualified for prosthetic fitting by a physatrist or physiotherapist;

  3. Assessment by Certified Orthotist or Prosthetist at a clinic or the hospital;

  4. Casting of affected limb(s) and/or taking measurements as needed;

  5. Fabrication of the device;

  6. Device is fitted by the Orthotist or Prosthetist to ensure proper fit and function;

  7. Patient takes device and a follow-up appointment is scheduled for 1-2 weeks later to ensure safety, function and satisfaction.

Click on an option below to learn more about our products and services:
Hospital Calls
For wearing instructions and information about your device, including our warranty policy, please visit the Device Information Sheets page.

AMPOS Orthopaedics Inc.

631 Montreal Rd.

Ottawa, ON

K1K 0T4

Phone: 613-745-3173

Toll Free: 1-800-216-6777

Fax: 613-745-6937


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