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Amputee Resources
Here you will find some resources that are specific to amputees and their families. For information regarding prosthetic device funding, please visit our Funding page.
Click here for our Information Sheet for New Amputees in English.
The Amputee Coalition of Canada provides educational tools and programs to help improve the quality of life of people living with limb loss. Click here to visit their website. is a website that organizes news, educational information resources, and provides support for Canadian amputees and their caregivers. Click here to visit their website.

Disability tax credits and deductions are available to people with disabilities as well as to their supporting family members and/or caregivers. You can find more information about these credits on the Canada Revenue Agency's website.
The War Amps organization is a major funder for child amputees and also provides funding for adults. They are well-known for their keytag service that helps to reunite lost keys with their owners. Their mission is to provide education, employ amputees and people with disabilities, and to advocate for the interests of amputees. Click here to visit their website.

Thrive Magazine is a Canadian print magazine that gives amputees resources to "live well physically, emotionally and socially". Their website can be found here.